
These posts are reflections on my practice and the philosophies I embody for my intentions toward teaching.

Teacher Feature

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me-240x300The Ottawa community is blessed by many wonderful yoga teachers.  My friend Tania Frechette at is certainly worthy of praise,

Though she is small in stature she is mighty in spirit. She is not afraid to go after what she wants, try new things and moreso, she also knows when it is time to leave and move on to make space for something greater. At present, she ...

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Naming Conventions and the Online Yoga Video World

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Namquiz-what-style-of-yoga-is-best-for-you_541c7a1fc1c0c_w1500ing Conventions. Small pet peeve.

I have been signed up with a variety of different yoga video web sites (myyogonline, yogaglo) and I have a small irritation with the way classes are described. They do not seem to respect the different styles of yoga and what that will mean in terms of the actual type of practice. In particular the use of the word “restorative” ...

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I’m in it because I love it…

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This is about the realities of yoga as a profession. I have been teaching now for about ten years, and teaching full time since the start of 2008.  This post is not intended to complain or whine, but to inform about my perspective of the life of a yoga teacher.

This, obviously, is just an outline of my reality; (think Mr. Spock here) and that I can’t speak for everyone. I can only speak from my experience and from what I’ve heard from fellow peers/colleagues.

This is a ...

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Never THE Mind.

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Have you ever heard of yoga being described as a body-mind practice, or that it links the body and mind together?

From my own personal study and practice, I am having doubts about this description.

Mind is part of the body, and the body also makes up the mind so they are indeed interlinked.

During a yoga practice, be it asana, pranayama, mediation or anything else you may put effort into, the mind is involved.

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Change is in the air…

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Sometimes yacceptorchangeou change, and sometimes the situation changes around with and you just have to roll with it.

In September of 2005, I started teaching power yoga at Greenboro Community Centre, and it was one of my very first classes as a budding new yoga teacher. It was passed on to me with thanks to Ichih Wang.

Due to management changes and ...

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Richard Freeman

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Back in June 2010, I had the opportunity to complete a month long intensive 200-hour with Richard Freeman in Boulder CO.

Richard operates on such a deep, philosophical level that all the material, superficial layers of the yoga practice (as it is today) melts away. Here is a video worth watching of an interview with Richard Freeman, from ElephantJournal where they discuss the purpose of yoga, the link to buddhism and much more…


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 In the sutras, Patanjali defines nine obstacles to the yoga practice in sutra 1.30:

These obstacles are disease, inertia, doubt, heedlessness, laziness, indiscipline of the senses,
erroneous views, lack of perservance, and backsliding.  

The hardest part of the practice is just getting on the mat. The mind likes to come up with plenty of reasons why not. I used to practice Asthanga quite regularly, but then I ...

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