Upcoming Workshops/Events
Move to Meditate
Sunday, February 9, 2025 from 5:00 to 6:00 PM
Register at Wasaga Beach Yoga
Cost: Class card or drop-in.
Join Natalie for a gentle yoga practice to help unwind and release tension from the day. After which we will sit quietly together in meditation focusing on our breath. Here, we give space to observe the many thoughts, feelings and emotions that naturally bubble up to the surface during this process. Like a good house guest, we give them space, invite them in, then let them go. In meditation we open our inner ears to deep listening for the messages from our soul and heart.
Then, we rest, guided by the sound of the Gong.
Do you wonder what’s the difference between singing bowls and gongs?
In a nutshell, a bowl is tuned to one frequency (ie musical note), affecting one chakra. If you want to move energy/cleanse/ address all the main chakras in the body, you need to play/be subjected to a whole set of bowls.
A non-tuned gong, such as a symphonic gong, contains ALL the sounds in the Universe. It creates vibrations that only a fraction are perceivable by the ear. You listen the gong with the body, not just the ears.
The gong creates and moves the energy (prana), balances the chakras, moves the lymphatic fluid, enhances blood circulation, vibrates the aqueous medium in which all the human cells are suspended. EVERYTHING gets moved!